Trattoria Da Toni
Rosea trota del fiume Varmo
Varmo is a resurgence river tributary of the Tagliamento River well known to fly-fishing amateurs. The district passionately described by Ippolito Nievo is still an unpolluted environment so, when visiting the Gradiscutta borough, you will be overcome with emotion. This is what inspired our chef with the pinkish trout fillet from the Varmo River. The fillet slightly smoked with some attar is afterwards oven-cooked, then served with delicate leek purée and zesty radish sauce to enhance its taste. Grave del Friuli wines will make this dish more tempting.
The Restaurant
Trattoria Da Toni
of Aldo Morassutti
Gradiscutta is a town on the lush green Friuli plain that stretches from the Tagliamento River to the springs. Here in 1928, Toni Morassutti working in the front-of-the-house, and Palmira his wife working in the back-of-the-house, started to run the Trattoria. At those times, guests used to get there by bike just to taste their barley soup and roast duck. Time went by, Aldo their son took over the...
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Where we are
Gradiscutta - Varmo (Udine)
Via Sentinis, 1
CAP 33030
Tel. 0432.778003
Fax 0432.778655
Opening and closing time
Closed Mon. and Tue. lunch;
unscheduled holidays.