Buon Ricordo specialities

Each Buon Ricordo restaurant creates a recipe that perfectly represents its local tradition and local produce as the restaurant’s signature dish. This option is on the menu year round and is also represented on the restaurant’s special ceramic plate, which is presented as a gift to customers who choose it.

Note: Buon Ricordo restaurants are proud of their speciality recipes inspired by local traditions and typically Italian ingredients, products and methods of cooking. Unfortunately they are difficult to translate accurately and explain to anyone who does not know Italy and its regional culinary traditions well and even more difficult to cook successfully without the original ingredients. So it has been decided to leave the recipes on this site and in our recipe books in Italian, however we have included a brief description in English of the specialities on each restaurant’s page.

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Chef proudly boasts his dedication to the “Mediterranean cuisine” and to prove it on the restaurant sign he stretches out his arm and holds a swordfish in his hand. Said that, it is easily understood the choice of acquapazza, a classic dish of the Neapolitan seafood cuisine. So simple, yet tasty, this recipe wants some of the best varieties of fish, tomatoes, garlic, herbs, and seawater to savour the umido cooking. The wine list includes two ideal white wines fitting the occasion: Greco di Tufo and Fiano d’Avellino.
